Historic, Archive Document
Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices.
iU. S . Dewart ment of Agri
SEEDS, &ec.
JAPANESE NURSERY, _ 2272 Boyiston Street,
Boston, Mass.
Main House, Experimental Garden, Kitahama, Nichome, 164=168 Columbia Street,
Osaka. _ Dorchester, Mass. ; Near Bird Street Station, N.E.R.R.
General Information.
Orders. The earlier orders are sent us, the better the selection can be
made. No order for less than $50.00 received.
Payment. Orders from unknown parties must be accompanied with cash. From responsible parties we will require one-half cash with their
orders, and the balance on the delivery of the goods.
Packing. No charge for packing and cases. All goods delivered F.O.B. steamer at Kobe and Yokohama. The best possible care is taken
in packing, but goods travel at the risk of purchaser.
Charge. Consular fees and freight are charged.
Prices. 7 poe. S Quotations are given in American gold dollars, equivalent to United States currency,— $1.00 equal to 4 shillings, equal to 5
francs, equal to 4 marks.
Correspondence. Address to , :
Japanese Nursery,
272 Boylston Street, Boston, Mass. |
BULBS : _ CHRYSANTHEMUMS . Lilies : 3. FLOWERING TREES AND SHRUBS ; 20 Amaryllis, Narcissus, etc aap Ose : : ? 23 Solid Bulbs and Tubers 6 | ORNAMENTAL FOLIAGE, TR REES AND SHRUBS, 23 Funkias and other Liliaceous Plants, 6 | Fruir TREES:
ACER — MAPLE: | Chestnut: ~ - : : 25 Red or Blood Colored Varieties 6 | Orange Trees: - ; 25 Dark Red and Maroon Varieties . 7 | ge Diospyros Kaki - - 26 Yellow and Yellow Varieties 7 | Plums : 27 Crimson and White Variegation i Pyrus Ussiriensis, ‘Tasaneee Bas ieee 28 Green with White Variegation 7 | Berries and Grapes ~*- ; 3 29 Green Varieties . 8 Ornamental Fruit Bearers . 29
Cycas AND PALMS 8 | Ornamental Climbers, Creepers ae
CAMELLIA JAPONICA . 9 Trailers . : : 29 Single Camellia . to | FLOWERING HERBS:
Camellia Sazanqua IO Perennials and Annuals 25 BAMBOOS 11 | FoLiacE HERBS : 3 3 PEONIES . ‘ 12. |\@ERNS: *-. : : 34
Paeonia Moutan . 12 | TREES:
Paeonia Officinalis 13 | Street or Shade Planting f a5
Magnolia 13 Agricultural and Industrial Plants . 25 HYDRANGEAS 14 | Trees for Joinery and Turnery Works, 36 ORCHIDS is Coniferous Trees and Shrubs 36 Tris KAEMPFERI OR Teas LAEVIGATA 16 Trained Conifers : . 38
Nelumbium Speciosum 17 | BoG PLants . 38 AZALEAS AND RHODODENDRONS 18 ' Price-LisT OF SEEDS 39
+ ane
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To Our Customers:
We have been in the Nursery business in Osaka for the past ‘twenty years, and have supplied, indirectly, both European and American importers with Trees, Plants, Bulbs, Seeds, etc.
For the past three years we have made direct importations of nursery stock and have extended our business this year by estab- lishing an experimental Garden on Columbia Road, Dorchester, Mass., near Bird Street Station, New England Railroad, where we keep in stock a large variety of Japanese trees and plants.
Our Mr. Kosaburo Nishi, an expert nurseryman, who has had a long and varied experience of thirty years in the business, takes the direct charge.
Our Trees, Plants, Bulbs, etc., have been cultivated free from any harmful insect, and with long tried skill and experience, and any large orders will be promptly executed and delivered in time.
Peonia Moutan, Acer Palmatum, Cycas Revoluta, and Lily Bulbs, much admired in Europe and America, are what we cul- tivate on a large scale.
We take much pleasure in presenting you our catalogue for 1898, and we hope you will give us, if not a large one, at least a
trial order. We remain,
Yours respectfully,
Freight, Shipping, etc.
Regular mails to Europe, America, and other places, from Kobe and Yokohama.
Occidental & Oriental S. S. Co., to SAN FrRANcisco and HonGc Kong, every 24 days. (Yokohama to San Francisco, $6, gold, per ton.) Pacific Mail S. S. Co., to SAN Francisco and HonG KONG, every 24 days. These run alternately, making a departure every 12 days. Canadian Pacific Railway S. S. Co., to VANcouvER, monthly. (Yokohama to Vancouver, $8, gold.) (Yokohama to Eastern points of U.S.A. 14-13 cts., gold, per lb. according to seasons. ) Northern Pacific S. S. Co., to Tacoma, monthly. (Freight almost same as last one.) Eastern & Australian S. S. Co. and China Navigation Co. (Yokohama to Melbourne and Sydney, 35 shillings per ton.) (Yokohama to New Zealand 45-60 shillings per ton.) Nippon Yusen Kwaisha. Monthly Trans-Pacific Line to SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, via HONOLULU. Monthly Japan-Australian Line. Monthly Japan-Europe-Line. Messageries Maritimes Co., to MARSEILLES via HONG KoNnG and CANAL, fortnightly. (25 shillings per ton to Marseilles. ) Peninsular & Oriental S. S. Navigation Co., via HonG KonG and CANAL to LoNvoN and other ports, fortnightly. (50 shillings per ton to London.) These two run alternately, giving weekly departure. Nordeutcher Lloyd, to BREMEN via SuEz CANAL, monthly. (40-45 shillings per to Bremen. ) German Steamer Co. (Kingsing Line), to HAMBURG via SuEz CANAL, fortnightly. (45 shillings per ton to Hamburg.)
TABLE OF THE COMPARISON OF FREIGHT FROM KOBE AND YOKOHAMA With quantities of goods contained per ton or 4o cubic feet.
NUMBERS OR Ton TO TO THE EASTERN TON TO FREIGHT PER FREIGHT PER NAMES OF GOODS. WEIGHTS Con- SAN PoInTS OF New YORK VIA TON TO Ton TO TAINED IN A Ton.| Francisco. |U.S.A.,OVERLAND.| SuEz CANAL. GERMANY. ENGLAND. Laly-bulbs — Gold. Gold. Shillings. Shillings. Shillings. 6- Sin. circ. . | abt.2,800 bulls} $6.00 $14.00-16.00, 50 45-50 45-50
according to seasons. (By weight with
the rate of 14- 1% a pound.) Ba Ohl ieee Be as abt. 2,400 bulls) 6.00 $14.00-16.00 50 45-50 45-50 (oT (s PE aN pe 15000; 2207.4 6.00 I 4.00—16.00 50 45-50 45-50 RO= EN Muy Seat) vg OO a ee 6.00 14.00-16.00 50 45-50 45-50 go ee oad Wie CASS emi rey 6.00 14.00-16.00 50 45-50 45-50 Cycas. stems |) 4 ))*i*- «1009 lbs. 6.00 14.00 40-45 40-45 40-45 (by measurement. ) Eularia panicles, | ‘‘ eke tame 6.00 $14.00 40-45 35 40-45 Cycas leaves — | Tro SE on ou i es sO OSs 6.00 14.00 40-45 2 40-45 ee Mik Sir lice Nadie PMay eek? eo 6. Wises 6.00 14.00 40-45 35 40-45 BAe re Filip): 2S”. aah 6.00 14.00 40-45 35 40-45
Approximate Time Required for eee of Cargoes by the Mail Lines.
San Francisco : : ; 18 days Singapore. 17 dé ays Dutch Port . : 55 days Vancouver : P : : 12)". Alexandria . ; ; ; 38 Sydney : . ae Ss Tacoma . ite Marseilles. ; ve ter London, South: ampton J Sr New York ; , 25-30 5 Bremen, H amburg g Cay Shanghai 5 ; 7 Boston. 127-33 Aden. i : he eh Saigon . ; 13 Philadelphia. | ae Portisaids : . ; BY cis Colombo ; ‘ : 21 Hong Kong. TOs. Brindisi : : A ee PUGZs 0. i cyte te
We do not guarantee delivery accor rding to the above schedule.
Lilium Auratum, Golden rayed Lily of Japan. FI. ivory white, with a distinct cen- tral band of pale yellow studded with choc- olate crimson spots, the lower part copiously papillose, 10 to 12 inches across when ex- panded. Summer, stem 2 to 4 feet high. A splendid plant, being easy of cultivation.
6-8 inch circ. Gold $1.00 per 100
ie 9.00 1,000 “ 80.00 10,000 8-9 1.50 100 2 13.00 1,000 red 120.00 10,000 HEL 2.50 “I0O es 21.00 1,000 oe 170.00 10,000 11-13 4.50 100 2 40.00 1,000 ae 300.00 10,000
L. Auratum Platyphyllum (Z. 4.
Macaranthum), showy variety of the pre-
ceding, with broader petals and leaves, for
which it is highly valued. Well shaped flower and a very good grower.
8—9 inch Gold $4.00 per 100 “ 35.00 1,000 ~
Q-12 5-50 100 oe 50.00 1,000
L. Auratum Rubro Vittatum, grand crimson cross-ray band in the place of yel- low one of common auratum, exquisite form.
6-7 inch circ. $2.00 per - 10 «s 18.00 100
e 160.00 1,000
L. Auratum Wittei (Z. A. Virginale),
resembling azratum but free from choco- late spots, being perfectly white ; a plant of exquisite taste.
7-8 inch circ. $2.50 Pet 10 ee 22.00 100 ce 200.00 1,000
L. Longifiorum, a funnel-shaped white
flower resembling L. Easter Lily ; fragrant, 5 to 7 inches, June. A handsome species.
5-7 inch circ. $0.90 per 100
ge 8.00 1,000 y 70.00 10,000 6-8 1.40 TOO ae . 13.00 1,000 os 120.00 10,000 7-9 2.50 100 of 18.00 1,000 Ss 150.00 10,000 9-10 3.00 100 “ 28.00 — 1,000 se 250.00 10,000
L. Longiflorum eximium, variety of or-
dinary Longiflorum yielding profuse flowers with stronger buibs.
64-8 inch circ. $2.50 per 100
vis 22.00 1,000 8—-II 5.00 mere) ee 40.00 1,000
L. Speciosum Album, white spotted with
claret ; popular flower of long renown, often erroneously called ZL. Lanxczfolcum. Form, erect and rigid.
7-9 inch circ. $2.50 per 100 or 20.00 1,000 os 170.00 10,000
4 Q-II $4.00 100 *) 35.00 1,000 3 310.00 10,000 11-13 5.00 100 as 45-00 1,000 re 400.00 10,000
L. Speciosum Rubrum, popular flower of long renown.
$-9 inch Clic. $2.25 per 2100 a 20.00 1,000 cd 175.00 10,000
ott 3.25 100 ad 30.00 1,000 nt 275.00 10,000
PII 4.00 100
oe 37.00 1,000 “ 340.00 10,000
L. Speciosum var, “Green Stemmed” flower, beautiful red, while the stem is per- fectly green and erect, which is quite differ- ent from other Speciosum types.
6-9 $4.00 per 100 rs 38.00 1,000 Q-II 6.50 100 bs 60.00 1,000
L. Speciosum Melpomene, with broader leaves and worthy of cultivation, color being very clear.
7S MCh CMC... $2.50. “per 100
ae 22.00 1,000 a 200.00 10,000 8-10 3.00 100 cn 27.00 1,000 e 250.00 10,000
L. Alexandriae, or Colchester Lily or Ukeyuré, very much resembling Z. Lon- giflorum, but differing in its novelty and variety. $2.00 per 410 18.00 100
L. Batemani, orange, erect, good for a
garden. $2.50 per 100 20.00 1,000
Japanese Nursery
L. Concolor, small, erect, carmine with dark spots. $1.25
per 100 1,000
L. Cordifolium Glehni, most vigorous and splendid type of L. Cordifolium.
$0.40 per 26 3-50 100 31.00 1,000
L. Coridion, bright yellow, with the lower half of the face mottled with brown spots.
per 100 1,000
L. Elegans, bright scarlet red, 5—6 inches, often called L. Thunbergianum.
$2.00 15.00
per 100 1,000
L. Elegans, “Orange,” large erect orange, May, June, |. e. brevifolium. $1.50
per 100 1,000 L. Elegans, Alice Wilson, large, creamy yellow, erect. $2.50 per 10
20.00 I0O
L. E. Semipleno, flower centre turned to beautiful small petals, giving half double appearance, tipped with white.
$0.30 per 10 2.95 100 24.00 1,000
L. Elegans Incomparabile, extra fine.
$3.00 per 100
22.00 1,000
L. Hansoni, lovely yellow thick petals, purple, dotted generally in raceme, or leaves whorled in a crowded umbel.
$2.75 per 10 25.00 - 100
L. Krameri, slightly reddish, sweet, broadly funnel-shaped, solitary.
Wholesale Catalogue. a
Medium $2.50 per 100 eas 22.50 1,000 Large 5.00 100
L. Leichtlini, canary yellow, studded with large purple dots, tinged with the same color outside 2% to 3 inches, July and August.
$1.00 per 10
9.00 100
L. Leichtlini Maximowiczii, bright
scarlet form of the preceding. $6.00 per 50.00
100 1,000
L. Longiflorum Foliis albo-margi- natis, white-margined leaves of common | longiflorum.
$1.20 per Io
10.00 100
L. Medeoloides, splendid orange with pur- ple spots, 114 in solitary or in umbel of 2 or 3, leaf whorled.
$0.90 per 10 8.00 100 70.00 1,000
L. Tigrinum, 77ger Lily, bright deep orange with purple spots 214 to 4 inches.
4-10 inch circ. $1.50 per. 100 fs 14.00 1,000 Es I 10.00 10,000
£0-13 Zen Owns I0O “ 20.00 1,000 # 175.00 10,000
L. Tigrinum Flore Pleno, ditto, double.
$2.50 per 100 20.00 1,000 Frittilaria Kamtchatkensis, flower
vivid, vinous, blackish, purple, not tessel- lated; campanulate, early summer, small, hardy in Northern Japan. $6.00 50.00
100 1,000
Frittilaria verticillata var Thunber- gli, white vinous flower, very narrow leaves curled at the end.
$2.00 100
18.00 1,000
Amaryllis, Narcissus, etc.
Lycoris Radiata (Syz. Nerzne Japon- zca), bright scarlet. October leaves last to Dec. ; May, good leaves, glaucous green.
$0.70 per 100 5.00 1,000 35.00 10,000
Lycoris Sanguinea, orange or scarlet, 5 to 6 terminal flowers, lovely flower, Septem- ber.
$2.00 per: ==100 15.00 1,000 130.00 10,000
N. Sarniensis, yellow, with still larger flower, highly attractive, October, Decem- ber, June, leaves glaucous 3 feet.
$2.00 15.00
per 10 100
Amaryllis Belladonna, very showy, varying in color from light pink to red; August, light pink ; a large bulb.
$1.00 9.00
per 10 TOO
Narcissus Chinensis (CZzzese Sacred Lily, Lien Chtu), well known popular flower from China, yielding profuse flowers, one of the early species, extremely fragrant, December to January.
$3.00 per 100 25.00 1,000 220.00 10,000
N. Tazetta, fragrant, 1 to 13 inches spread- ing horizontally, February. $1.50
per 10c
6 Japanese Nursery
N. Tazatta Jonquilla, yellow Narcis- sus, April, clustered at the end. per
$2.00 100
18.00 1,000
Crinum Asiaticum ( 7%e Spider Lily), flower about 20 inches an umbel, perianth tube, slender, white. Greenhouse plant, with very lustrous broad leaves.
$1.00 per 10
8.00 100
Hemerocallis Flava, orange, erect, vein- less flower, odorous ; the flower may be used as salad.
$0.90 7.00
per 10 100
Hemerocallis Fulviana (/7ora Pleno), exceedingly noteworthy, double form of the
preceding. $1.00 per Io 9.00 TOO
Hemerocallis Minor, yellow, a peculiar- ity, the flower opens in the afternoon, Sept. $1.50 per 10
13.00 100
Hemerocallis Aurantica Major, ht.
1 foot, June to August, noteworthy, leaves |
persistent, flower 8 inches across. $1.50 per 12.00
Hemerocallis Dumortieri, orange yel- low, tinged with brown on outside ; summer. $1.00 per 10
9.00 100
Solid Bulbs and Tubers.
Arisaema Japonica, bold purplish spathe, |
is good for introduction. $1.50 12.00
per 100
Arisaema Ringens, spathe striped with green and white, very hardy, 3 leaflets.
_ Hosta (Funkia) Coerulea, fiower light lilac, May to June.
| 8.00
| Funkias and other Liliaceous
per Io
Do., forma foliis albo variegatis. $I.00 per 10
8.00 100
Hosta Coerulea lancifolia, rather dark colored type, August to September, thrives in shade and watery place, leaves lanceolate.
$1.00 per; _.70
8.00 I0O
H. Sieboldiana, the largest flower and by far the most interesting species of Funkia, light lilac, 3 feet. $1.00 | |
8.00 imeye)
Acer— Maple.
Red or Blood Colored Varieties.
Acer Sanguineum, seigen, blood red, regular palmate, coloring in middle spring. 13-2 ft. $0.90 per
i 8.00
|e) 100
_ A. Sanguineum ( CZ7s/o), blood red, reg- ular palmate, small leaves. 13-2 ft. $0.90 e 8.00
A. OsaKa-dsuki, close ally of the preced- ing except larger; it colors best in autumn. 14-2 ft. $0.90
ee 8.00
per Io
Wholesale Catalogue. aS
Dark Red and Maroon Varieties. Acer Atrosanguineum dissectum
(Beni-shidara), deep maroon, richly fringed, thread-like leaflets, drooping nature.
i5-2 ft.
#O.S0: Pek Bid 7.00 100 A. Atropurpureum (WVomura), deep ma- roon, large regular palmate. i 2.1 $orson “pets 16 3 7:00 iaele) A. Roseum (KXag7rz), small palmate leaves margined with red. ii-2 ft. $0.80 per to < 7.00 100
A. Scolopendifolium rubum (.S2cie- no-uchz), dark red, fine narrow ribbon leaf- lets.
13-2 ft.
“ip 7 .0O TOO
$0.80 . per io
A. Oshiu-shidara, green margined with light maroon.
iS 212s 20:80 per. 10 f 7-00 imeye)
Yellow and Yellow Varieties.
A Akikaje-nishiki, green, with irregular |
yellow variegation. ite its $0.90 per 10
me 8.00 IOO
A. Aocha-nishiki, green and yellow mot- |
tled. fais it.: $0.90. per —10 -- 8.00 imere)
A. Aureum (Keakure-gasa), yellow. 1-i$ ft. $0.90 per. to ss 8.00 100
4. Nomura-nishiki, green and yellow ir- regular blotching. ES lis. 20:90 1) per. 0 Fé 8,00 moze)
A. Reticulatum( S27g7tatsw), green mar-
gin, net- work variegation on yellow ground. ty —2 it $G.805- ~ pet = -L0
‘e 7-00 mele)
A, Pictum aureum (Vezo-nishih2). is 2 fie 2990-50. 5 peru! TO
e 7.00 100
A. Aureum pictum (Weshiki gasane).
iy =2lte. -POS0 hr Pers £0
=e 7.00 mere) Uriha-nishiki.
ig=2 ft. $0.80 per tio
Se 7.00 100
Crimson and White Variegation.
A. Rosa-marginatis (/kasayania), green small leaves, crimson margin. 14-2 ft. $0.80°° per io
ie 7.00 100
A. Versicolor (Oridomo-nishtkz), very attractive, crimson, white and green irregu- larly variegated.
13-2 ft. $0.80 per 10
obs 7.00 imeye)
A. Atropurpureum variegatum, bright crimson and deep maroon variegation, reg- ular palmate.
I-1$ ft. $0.80 DEL a. EG
= 7.00 100
A. Atropurpureum variegatum ( 7Zo- yamea-nishiki), dark maroon, thread-like leaflets with white variegation.
$0.80 per 710
ae 7.00 I0O
1-14 ft.
Green with White Variegation. A. Hatsu-yuki, five-lobed, shaded with white. 1-14 ft. $0.90 66 8.00 TOO
per 10
A. Pictum album ( 7o4¢wa-nishikz), 6 to 7 lobes, very large, variegated with white, rare.
13-2 ft. $0.90 per 10 = 8.00 100
Green Varieties.
A. Akikaje, irregular palmate, not many serrated edges. 13-2 ft. $0.80 per to
7.00 100
riety. $0.80 per 10 7-00 100
A. Pictum, green, large 6 to 7 lobed
leaves. $0.80 per ro
= 7-00 TOO
A. Scolopendifolium, green (Aosh7me-
no-uchz), green, narrow ribbon-like leaflets. 8-12 in. $0.80 per 10
27 7-00 100
Okushimo, small, beautiful leaves, leafiets folded on both edges.
1-14 it.
ee 7-00 TOO
$0.80 per 10
Shishi-gashira, curious rotate leaflets. 6-8 in. - 10.00 100
$1.20 pers se
A. Japonicum (/taya), somewhat circu- lar, large, deep green foliage.
I-15 ft. $0.80 per 10
A. Rufinerue (Aajzha-Kayede), large leaf like that of grape.
1-15 ft.
e 8.00 100
$0.90 per 10
Acer Japonicum filicifolium (//ez- hiwa), green, splendid fringed fern-shaped leaves.
1-I} ft. $0.90 per to 7 8.00 100
Japanese Nursery
Grafted maple ( Dantsugi-momzjt), by the grafted maple we mean several varieties, 5 to 7 kinds grafted on one single stem, very striking when fully shooted.
I-15 ft. $1.75 ss 15.00
per 10 100
Grafted megane-maple, by this we mean two stems twisted and grown together ina form “8” of Arabic figure, and 6 to 7 kinds of maples grafted on one plant.
1i-1i ft $2.00 per 10 or 17.00 100
13-2 ft. $8.00 per 100 af 70.00 1,000 2-3 it. 12.00 100 = 100.00 1,000
_ Cycas and Palms.
Cycas Revoluta (/afax Pine Palm), representing Japanese Cycades, is invalua- ble both for greenhouses and verandahs, sending forth its lustrous fronds, which are highly ornamental. Dried leaves are also largely supplied for artificial works, such as bouquets, rosettes, etc., for festival occas- ions. We have special facilities for pro- curing this palm, and can supply it in im- mense quantities at the very lowest figure. Stout stem with round head.
4-1 ft. $3.00 per too lbs. < 29.00 1,000 ac 250.00 10,000
1-2 ft. 2.70 100 = 23.00 1,000 & 200.00 10,000
2—3 ft. 2.30 100 “ 20.00 1,000 a 170.00 10,000
Cycas Revoluta, from Luchoo Island. 4-1 ft. $20.00 per 1,000 lbs. a 170.00 10,000
Wholesale Catalogue. 3
1-2 ft. $17.00 1,000 ue I 20.00 10,000 2—2 ft. 15.00 1,000 ef I 10.00 10,000
Cycas Revoluta (Cycas Wedel), dried leaves carefully prepared by hot water and steam process.
Below 25 inch. $6.00 per 1,000 pieces.
S 50.00 10,000 25-30 8.00 1,000 - 72.00 10,000 20-36 10.00 1,000 = 90.00 10,000 36-40 14.00 1,000 oe 120.00 10,000 40-45 23.00 1,000 of 200.00 10,000
Eularia Japonica, or Susuki or Eularia Plume Flower.
$3.00 Per roo: Lbs: 25.00 I,000 220.00 10,000
Imperata arundinacea, resembling the preceding, but rather small, good as for or-
nament. $20.00 per
to lbs. 100
Koya Grass, dried grass, ornamental mixed or simple. $25.00 per
100 lbs. 1,000
Rhapis flabelliformis (22400 Palm), elegantly formed greenhouse palm, densely
tufted. 4-2 ft. $17.00
af 150.00
per 100 1,000
Rhapis flabelliformis variegatis, vari-
egated. $1.50 each Rhapis humilis, Rhapis Kwannotik,
rather short form, resembling the preceding in general aspect, but with less segment, being 5 to 6.
1—2 ft. $15.00 per 100 S 130.00 1,000
Do. foliis variegatis. $2.00 each
Livistonia Chinensis, firm, rigid Z¢vzs- tonza, well known fanshaped, outstretch- ing, hardy in Southern Europe.
1-14 ft. $10.00 per 10 ee gO.00 100
Trachyearpus excelsa, rapid growth, hairs which cover the trunk, resembling coir, are used in cordage and doormat manufac-
1-2 ft. Sss©). JOA M0)
< 12.00 100 Trachycarpus Fortunei, dwarf form,
rigid fanshaped, good for a garden.
6-12 inch. $1.50 per 10
“4 17.00 100
Camellia Japonica.
White Variety entirely free from Yellow Centre, perfectly Double. Shira-giku, extra large white flower, 34 to
4 inches across (pot grown).
4-2 ft. ~. $1.50" |. per; 10
Shirokarako, with characteristic incurved globular centre. 1-14 ft.
Shiro-otome, white regular ball. fers (t. pi.50 Per 110
Yaye-shira-tama, splendid white ball, 3 to 4 inches across.
TST oy
Yuki-botan, pure white large flowers.
i =2 ites pl-50) per | TO Richest Extra Fine Double Flowers, Red, Pink, Striped and Spotted Varieties free from Yellow Centre. Higuruma, scarlet, 14 inches across.
14-2 ft, 0:00 per “10
SiO 2 Pela, 10
peu eto
Hito-suji, peculiar white stripes on carmine ground of each petal. 14-2 ft. $0.90 IO
Hoshiguruma, late variety, carmine stud- ded with white spots. 1-13 ft. $1.20 IO
Kikutoji, early, carmine, 3 with white variegation.
inches across
13-2 ft. $1.20 per to Otome-shibori, pink ground with carmine stripes.
134-2 ft. $1.20 per to Some-gawa, white, with carmine stripes. 2 Sf. *- $1.20 -- sper ono
Ko-otome, red double. i5-2 it $t.20.” Per 10 Otome (Usu-otome), pink double. $1.20 per i0
Double Large Twined and Curled Petals, with Stamens irregularly scattered between them.
Arejishi, splendid carmine, very large, 4
inches across.
14-2, it--- $1.20 pers 20 Daikagura, clear pink and white variega- tion. ig-2 t+ F120 4, per oap
Shiro-daikagura, pure white of the for- mer.
Common Double Varieties, Mottled and Striped. Hikaru-genji, rose tipped with white, 3 to 4 inches across.
I-i¢ it. $1.20 “per. “to Iwane, light red and white variegation tipped with bright crimson. 14-2 ft. $1.20 per 10 Kagiri, white, 4 inches across. 142 ft. $1.20 per to
Mikenjaku, irregularly tipped white and pink, 4 to 6 inches across.
14-2 ft. $1.20 per 10
Japanese Nursery
Miyakodori, largest double white.
13-2 ft. per
Monjisu, bright crimson, very clear white round spots.
$1.20 Io
14-2 ft. $1.20 per 10 Shiratama, white ball. 15-2 ft. -_$r.20— pete ae
Waka-no-ura, white, with bright crimson
and pink stripes.
14-2 ft. $1.20" sper {seo
Yezonishiki, narrow red stripes on white, 5 inches across.
14-2 ft. $1. IO
Single Camellia.
Beni-karako, deep carmine, 3 inches across. if-2 it. $1.20 10
Shiro-wabisuke, small, white beil-shaped flower.
13-2 it $1.20 per 10 Beni-wabisuke, same, but scarlet. 14-2 f.. $5.20. — per<-f8
Yukimi-guruma, pure white, yellow sta- mens, well opened large flower, 44 inches. 14-2 it. per
$1.20 IO
Camellia Sazanqua.
Although not so common as Camellia Ja- ponica, the flower is quite worthy of general interest, as it blooms in November and De- cember, when all its floral sisters have faded and gone. The plant is suitable for lawns, the foliage being thick and lustrous, though smaller than Camellia Japonica. It is hardy in the southern part of the New England States.
Mine-no-yuki, early, snow white, double,
\ ; J | profuse bloomer, giving often 200 to 250 buds on one plant of 5 to 6 feet.
1-2 ft. $1.70 per to
~ which
Wholesale Catalogue.
Fukuzutsumi, largest, spotted, 3 inches —
1—2 ft. $0.90 per to
Mikuniko, carmine, large flower, 3 to 34 inches across.
1—2 ft. 0:90. - per - 10 Onigoromo, white, with pink shade.
1—2 it. $0.90 per tI0 Azumanishiki, pink.
1-2 ft. $0.90 per iI0 Camellia theifera.
1—2 ft. $0.90 per 10
This interesting genus comprises many |
varied species abundant in the East, where
its utilization in various arts and industries The many varieties widely |
is important.
differ in nature, from the woody arundz | nacea to the grassy &. varzegata,a garden |
plant, with graceful leaves and slender form commands attention. This can be heartily recommended, unless winters are very severe. | Assortment of Bamboo of 60 plants, compris- ing 20 distinct spectes. Gold $9.00 72.00 Phyllostachys Quillici (eed/ize), stem very stout, attaining 40 feet in height, producing leaves good for greenhouse, bas- ket, fence ; sprouts edible. 1-2 ft. ¥f 10.00
T set Io sets
$1.20 per 10
B. bungozasa( Phyllostachys Kumasasa
Munro) (BL. minalis Fr.), slender, grassy,
flourishes in shady places with ample water ; screen and basket works. 1-14 ft. fr 20., per! LO
=" 10.00 IOO
B. hachiku (2. fuberula), close ally of |
LB. arundi nacea, being used for carving, etc. ; 2 inches in diameter.
1-14 ft. FEDo> per “10
-- 10.00 IO0o
B. hakonechiku (A~. /apfonzca), slen- der, ornamental, for pen-holders, fireworks,
ete $1.20 ae 10.00
B. Hindii (2. chzgo), ornamental, bushy. i—1% ft. $1.30 per II.00
IO 100
B. Hindii Taiminchiku, most luxuriant growth of foliage, suitable around a summer house.
14-2 ft.
aa 10.00
$1.20 IO
B. milites var kikochiku, tortoise shell, knots of hexagonal polygon distinctly ob- servable, shrubby, ornamental.
i? it, per de 17.00
B. striata (2. Castillonts Fr.), green
$2.00 IO
and yellow foliage. $1.70 per 210 15.00 100
B. Phyllostachys Mites, very stout, big form, woody, close knotted, good for con- ducting water; leaves luxuriant and thick, hardy, branched at the upper part of stem.
$1.50 per 10
I2.00 igele)
B. nana var gracillima, leaf acute, stout- ish, with foot stalks lightly downy, height 7 feet, used for anglers’ rods.
1—2 ft. $1.20 per 10 - 10.00 100
B. nana, variegata. 1-2 ft. $3.00 per 10
| B. pigmae, grassy, height 3 to 5 inches. $0.80 per > 0
7.00 100
B. quadriangularis, four sided, deep green colored stem, highly valued for its unique and rare form.
$2.00 per
1—2 it. IO
B. grassy, large leaves with distinct white mar- gin, grows luxuriantly by the water side, in- dispensable for landscape gardening.
TAL per - 10.00
"$1.20 IO
senanensis var albomarginata, |
B. aurea, close ally of B. £zkochtku, only |
that this species is very irregularly and
closely knotted, much used for canes, an- glers’ rods, etc.
1—2 ft. $1.50
ve 12.00
TO 100
B. suochiku, yellow red, green striped stem, very ornamental, good for a garden.
1-2 ft. $3.50 per 10
B. vulgaris, highly recommended for its graceful form, originated in China.
1-2 it. $7.00 per 10 B. variegata aurea.
$1.50 pet TsO
10.00 100
Phyllostachys bambusoides, 2 feet long, leaves oblong lanceolate, rounded at base, very smooth above the nods, much used for making arrows.
$0.90 7.00
IO 100
P. nigra, black bamboo, stem extensively used for baskets, furniture, canes, etc. 1-2 ft. $1.00 per ck 9.00
10 I10Oo
P. n. punctata, black spotted, height 3 to 6 feet, used as above. $0.15
Bambusa Shako hanchiku, spotted, large leaf, height 8 feet, much used for join- ery, pipes, etc.
$1.20 10.00
|e) I0O
Japanese Nursery
Bambusa Hanchiku, with marbled marks, when two years old, highly valued for furni- ture work, cane handles, etc.
$1.20 10.00
Paeonia Moutan. Tree Peony.
This plant is already well-known to the West. Flowers in May, widely differing in color and form. Stems either shrubby or branched from the foot. The best species are native of central Japan. The flower often attains one foot in diameter. These plants have fanciful names in Japanese, which we give with as nearly as possible the English equivalent.
Double grafted set of 20, no two alike, $4.00.
ZI case of 100 peontes comprising 25 varieties, $78.50.
I. WHire.
Fujino mine, Snow-clad Fuji; Gyokuto, Moon Maiden; Hakurakuten, A Poet; Hakuwo, White-haired Man; Seiriu, Dragon; Setsu-gekkwa, Snow, Moon and Flower (three favorites) ; Shiragiku, White Chrysanthemum; Shiro-kagura- jishi, White Lion in Fury; Yasookina, Venerable Man; Yukiarashi, Snow- Storm.
II. Derrp Crimson.
Abokyu, a Babylonian Palace; Azuma kagami,. Eastern Souvenir; Amano hara, (very double) Paradise; Asahi minato, Port of the Rising Sun; Hiodo- shi, Crimson Braids; Hino maru, Ris- ing Sun; Hino tobira, Passage of the Sun; Hiriu, Flying Dragon; [rono- seki, Seat of Love; Kagura jishi, Dancing Lion; Kokinran, Old Golden Brocade; Kazari uma, Escort Horse ; Tsuruwatari, Passage of the Crane.
Wholesale Catalogue. 13
- III. Licut PInx.
Akashigata, Shore of Akashi; Daika- |
gura, Merry Dancing ; Hadesugata, Ele- gant Form; ITwato kagami, Mirror of the Far East; Iwato nishiki, Pride of the Far East; Kamiasobi, Gods at Play; Momozono, Elysian Field ; Osakazuki, Royal Cup; Saigiozakura, Cherries of Saigio; Shichifukujin, Seven Gods of Happiness. IV. VARIEGATED.
Azuma nishiki, Eastern Brocade; Ka- raori, Chinese Stuffs; Kinpukurin, Lac-
Brocade ; Nishikigawa, Golden Stream ; Nishikijima, Isles of Brocade ; Sumin- agashi, Stream of Indian Black.
Kumomano tsuki, Moon out of the | Clouds; Kumono uye, In the Heaven; |
Kurobotan, Black Peonies; Ruriban,
Indigo Purple Tray; Shiundai, A Hill |
Peeping from the Purple Clouds. Uniform price for the preceding : $2.00 per 10 18.00 mere)
Paeonia Officinalis. Herbaceous Peony.
This is a most attractive object during early summer. The immense flowers of gorgeous colors last better than the tree peony.
do Wath.
Hakuseiko, White Stars; Tagonoura, Shore of Tago; Tatsunami, Foaming Wave ; Toranomaki, Inestimable Prize ; Zansetzu, Melting Snow ; Zuiichihaku, Pure White.
II. Licut PINK.
Akashigata, Shore of Akashi; Fujisu- mizome, Wisteria; Higurashi, Parting Day; Kesho, Dames in Toilette; Ten- daisan, Eternal Mountain; Usukagura,
Light Curled Pink; Usujishi, Light Col- ored Lion. III. Derrp Crimson.
Ayrajishi, Furious Lion; Benisangai, Crimson Tower; Hanakagami, Floral Mirror; Hanasumizome, Floral Suitings ; Heianko, Imperial Rose; Kamiasobi, Gods at Play; Kinshicho, Bird of Golden Plumage ; Oshikubai, Plum Sash (xzzght- ingale) ; Sumiganoko, Calico Printing ; Yamato Sangai, Japanese Pride.
< aes | Chiyonokagami, Eternal Mirror; Itten- quers; Miyakono nishiki, Metropolitan "9, gam,
shikai, Heavens and Seas; Karaorini- shiki, Chinese Brocade; Kasanejishi, Two Lions; Seirinsome, Calico Print; Tenninshibori, Angel’s Variegation. Untform price for the preceding: $1.70 per, “Lo 15-00 TOO General collection of 10 varieties tn 20 clumps, $4.00. Improved collection, 1 case of I00, com- prising 50 choice varieties, $15.00.
This genus includes many species with highly ornamental flowers and foliage, the flowers being usually very fragrant. They are chiefly found in the warmer parts of Japan and China.
Magnolia compressa, white with red centre, 1 inch across, persistent foliage. I—2 ft. $050... Pet an- 10
M. conspicua, white, often suffused pur- ple, powerfully fragrant, handsome, profuse bloomer, leaves obovate, deciduous.
13—2 ft. $1.00 per: 40
M. fuscata, dull purple, very fragrant, erect, leaves elliptical oblong. A green- house evergreen shrub.
fé—2 il.» $2.00... per - 10
M. grandiflora, white, sweet scented, very large, 6 to 8 inches across, persistent glossy,
14 Japanese Nursery
deep green leaves. Can be highly recom- | M. longifolia, white. mended. $3.00 per 10 1—24- ft. « $1.50.~ pet« 80
< Illicium religiosum or Illicium anis- 12.00 I0O
atum, glaucous persist, foliage, white flower M. hyholeuca, one of the most important | of strong scent, yielding essence.
tree bloomers that have been produced, and $1.50 per 10
Japan is proud to be its indigenous home.
1—2 ft. 0:90. peteaet@ ad 700 100
M. kobus, white, slightly tinged with pink on reverse, flowers well distributed over the Hyd ran geas.
branches. iath i for00, pets ano It may be claimed that the hydrangea is
&< 7.00 706 one of the most highly ornamental flowers
that h id. M. obovata, purple, richly veined outside, at Japan has offered to the floral world
white inside, tulip shaped, leaf large, obo- | Hydrangea hortensia (Var <Ajzsaz
vate deciduous. Max), blue white to light rose according to r—2 ft. $1.00. Sper 2-10 the soil, heavy head. se 8.00 100 ratte $1.20 per = 1o
M. o. purpurea, often called AZ O. dés- | H. h. Japonica var albo (SZzrogaku),
color, \arge but light variegated type of the outer white flowers radiating, z.e., forming preceding. marginal guard, while the centre is blue, re- 1—2 ft. Di50) | Peo alo. sembling stars. ee 12.00 100 tte ol:70-. Sper eae
M. parviflora, white rose-tinted, downcast, | Do., var caerulescens (47gaéw), bright
globular flower. Hardy, deciduous shrub. blue guard flowers. IIs ff. 2) $1:70. - per. sano Tatbe $1.20, \ (06h Sasi e tgs. eS Do., var rosea, do. rosy. M. pumila, persistent cream yellow, strong r ft. £1.50° > per tere fragrance. H. involucrata, forming grand perfect p00 Pe eee head, blue. M. stellata, white, 3 inches across, sepals T=19 ft. 191k per 0
shorter than petals, oblong, hairy outside,
reflexed, flowering early in summer | H. stellatarubra, most showy of the series, . :
turning its color as the season advances
1-24 ft. $0.90 per 10 from blue to pure rose.
“i 7.00 100 tote $1.20. Per Siro M. Watson, white, strongly fragrant, glob- ular, erect, foliage like IZ. ypoleuca. H. paniculata grandiflora, white, dis- 121 ft. $1.50 per 10 posed in a large panicle. es 12.00 TOO $1.50 per- 2 29
Michalca champaca, pers. foliage, small | H. petiolaris, trunk slender, rooting like yellow flower. ivy against support, very peculiar. $3.00 per 10 $1.20 per Io
Wholesale Catalogue. 15
H. Thunbergii, light blue, bark often used for the extraction of a sweet beverage resem- bling tea.
1 ft. $1.50 Peto
Japanese orchids, especially those with narrow leaves, have been cultivated by ama- teurs for a long time and with great care. They are much more esteemed for their per- fume than their brilliancy.
Aerides Japonicum, white with lateral sepals slightly barred with purple, lip pur- ple, leaves oblong, bi-lobed, a pretty cool house species.
$0.70 per 10 6.00 100
Angraecum faleatum, pure white, very |
fragrant, spur-shaped, bearing many flowers, elegant little cool house species.
$1.80 per to
16.00 meye)
Do., foliis albomarginatis, adding much more interest, rare. $9.00 per 7-10 1.00 each
Bletilla hyacinthina, flowers purple, racemose, lip not spurred. $1.00 per 10 9.00 100
Do., flowers white. $1.50 pen 10 13-50 100
Do., foliis variegatis, flowers purple. $1.00 Pers .°TO 8.00 100
Calanthe discolor, pink, erect. $2.00 Pel ~< LO
Do., yellow. $2.50
per) 10
Calanthe Japonica, white.
$5.00 pee. Do., pink. $2.00 per:. 10
Calanthe reflexa, cream, white washed with violet on the petal, lip